Indeed, it is a fruit that stimulates the immune system to dissolve cancer
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Custard apple: 8 health and immunity benefits
Custard apple: 8 health and immunity benefits
Custard apple, also known as "custard apple", is a fruit rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. 8 health benefits of custard apple, what are they?
Source: Al Mayadeen Net
23 August 2022 10:08
Cream fruit
The cream fruit is a green fruit, conical in shape, with a leathery peel and creamy pulp. It has a sweet taste and is usually eaten with a spoon or served iced.
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Custard apple is believed to have originated in the Andes Mountains of South America, and is grown in tropical areas at high altitudes. Custard apple supports immunity, promotes heart and eye health, and helps reduce inflammation.
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However, certain parts of it contain toxins that may harm the nervous system if consumed in large quantities.
Custard apple types
Cream fruit is a multi-species fruit, with approximately 170 species of trees and shrubs native to the tropical regions of the Americas and Africa. The most famous types:
Cherimola Annona
Annona muricata
Annona reticulate
Annona squamosa
Cream fruit: multiple health benefits
Custard apple is high in antioxidants.
Cream contains antioxidants that fight free radicals in the body. As is known, high levels of free radicals can cause oxidative stress associated with many chronic diseases such as cancer.
Studies have confirmed that the peel and pulp of soursop fruit are excellent sources of antioxidants, in addition to the presence of other compounds in the peel that are particularly effective in preventing oxidative damage. However, it is not recommended to eat sour cream due to some health concerns.
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In addition, the presence of carotenoid antioxidants such as lutein is important. Because foods rich in carotenoids may enhance eye health and reduce the risk of heart disease.
May help improve mood
Custard apple is an excellent source of vitamin B6, which plays a role in the formation of neurotransmitters including serotonin and dopamine, which help regulate mood.
Low levels of vitamin B6 in the blood are linked to depression, especially in the elderly, and studies have confirmed that adequate levels of this vitamin reduce the risk of depression.
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Fruits that are good for eye health
Cream fruit contains the antioxidant lutein , one of the main antioxidants in the eyes that helps maintain healthy vision by fighting free radicals.
Many studies have shown a relationship between high lutein intake and good eye health and a reduced risk of age-related macular degeneration. It protects against other eye-related health problems such as cataracts, i.e. blurring that causes weakness and loss of vision.
Prevent high blood pressure
Cream contains potassium and magnesium, which are nutrients that help regulate blood pressure. It is reported that 160 grams of cream contains 10% of the RDI for potassium and more than 6% of the RDI for magnesium.
These nutrients promote the dilation of blood vessels and thus lower blood pressure, which protects against heart disease and strokes.
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Enhance digestion
160 grams of custard apple can contain 5 grams of dietary fiber. Since fiber cannot be digested or absorbed, it adds bulk to the stool and helps move it through the intestines.
Therefore, the presence of soluble fiber in cream helps to feed the good bacteria in the gut and undergoes fermentation to produce short-chain fatty acids (SCFA). These acids are sources of energy for the body and may protect against inflammatory diseases that affect the digestive system such as ulcerative colitis.
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Custard apple for cancer
Custard apple is known to have anti-cancer properties. Custard apple contains flavonoids including catechin, epicatechin and epigallocatechin which have been shown to stop the growth of cancer cells.
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Another study noted that some catechins found in cream stopped up to 100% of the growth of breast cancer cells . Individuals who eat diets rich in flavonoids also have a lower risk of stomach cancer compared to people whose diets are low in catechins.
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Fighting infections
Cream fruit provides many anti-inflammatory compounds such as corinoic acid. This acid affects inflammation and reduces some inflammatory proteins.
Other studies have shown that custard apple contains flavonoid antioxidants, which have powerful anti-inflammatory effects.
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Strengthening the immune system
Vitamin C deficiency is linked to weak immunity, and various studies have shown that soursop fruit contains this vitamin. Therefore, eating sour cream and other foods rich in it helps improve immune health .
Custard apple harms
As mentioned previously, soursop fruit contains toxins that may harm the nervous system. Studies have revealed that types of cream from the Annona family contain what is called annonacin, which is a toxic substance that can affect the brain and nervous system.
Some observational studies have shown that areas with a large consumption of sour cream fruit have an increased risk of developing a certain type of Parkinson's disease .
All parts of cream may contain annonacin, but it is most concentrated in the seeds and peel.
How to eat custard apple?
Initially, the sour cream fruit should be stored at room temperature until it becomes soft, then kept in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. When eating it, cut it and completely remove the peel and seeds.
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Eating custard apple is not limited to eating it as a fruit, but it can be used in salads, desserts, and even mixed with juices.
The benefits of sour cream fruit are not only limited to health, but also to mood. Eating it in moderate and simple quantities protects against the risk of exposure to the toxic compounds it contains. All you have to do for this is to completely remove the peel and seeds.
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