Indeed, it is a fruit that stimulates the immune system to dissolve cancer Main Mix Miscellaneous news Custard apple: 8 health and immunity benefits Custard apple: 8 health and immunity benefits Custard apple, also known as "custard apple", is a fruit rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. 8 health benefits of custard apple, what are they? Source: Al Mayadeen Net 23 August 2022 10:08 Cream fruit The cream fruit is a green fruit, conical in shape, with a leathery peel and creamy pulp. It has a sweet taste and is usually eaten with a spoon or served iced. Read also: The most important benefits of avocado that prolong life and improve health Custard apple is believed to have originated in the Andes Mountains of South America, and is grown in tropical areas at high altitudes. Custard apple supports immunity, promotes heart and eye health, and helps reduce inflammation. Read also: Have you ever tasted passion fruit? Learn about its great benefits However, certain parts of it cont...
هنا سوف تجد معلومات الكترونيه وكهربائية واختراعات بسيطة يمكنك صناعتها في المنزل واصلاح القطع الكهربائية في المنزل بنفسك دون الرجوع الى فني..وايضا يوجد قسم ترفيه مثل ألغاز غامضة لا احد يعرفها وستجد حلها هنا وسوف تجد معلومات غامضة لا احد يعلمها الا القليل وحزورات دينية فزازير سوف تجد طرق حل ب أدوات بسيطة في المنزل لأغلب الأشياء المستعصية أغاني شعبية